OCS London Trip 2006

Join us for our journey into historic London on the 2006 OCS trip!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fun things to do while waiting for an international flight

Sudoku, cards, Rubic's cube, massage chair, Flat Stanley pictures, nap.
7 students + 1 layover= boredom
Boarding for our flight to London will begin anytime. It appears as if
the flights are running on time. We will reconnect once we get to London
depending on how the signals are there. This blog is experimental and we
hope to update once a day while in the UK. Pray for us as we travel. We
will be in touch soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey anna and gilmo! hope yall r havin a blast! bring me back a cute british boy ok!!! if not somethin else. jk... just have a great time for me. x0x0

1:58 PM  

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